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Our History


God has brought the Lindsay Street Baptist Church Family a long way from its brush arbor beginnings.  From 1912, the English Avenue Community has been meeting at the corner of Lindsay Street and North Avenue to lift up praises to Almighty God. 


Mother Moore and Reverend Tillman were a part of those humble beginnings.  Once known as the Greenwood Baptist Church because of the beautiful greenery surrounding the meeting area, Lindsay Street developed from a storefront building to a white shingle edifice. With the new building came the new name of Lindsay Street Baptist Church. Reverend E.S. Swanson served as its first pastor. A bell was placed in the tower inviting all who could hear the ringing to come and fellowship in the house of the Lord. Baptismal services were held in the creek that runs through North Avenue woods.


After the death of Reverend Swanson, the church continued to grow and prosper under the blessed leadership of Reverends Hines and Y.L. Davenport. In 1950, Lindsay Street called Reverend H.M. Alexander as its shepherd. Under Reverend Alexander’s divine spiritual guidance and God’s rich blessings, Lindsay Street focused on God’s true purpose and will. Lindsay Street was committed to saving lost souls, building a Christian community, increasing its membership, and building an edifice acceptable and pleasing to God.  Under God’s direction and protection, the Heritage church was completed, and the cornerstone laid in 1951.

Pastor Alexander became ill in his 27th year of service and it became necessary to call an assistant pastor, Reverend Danny Nance. Reverend Nance served as pastor for only a short time.


In 1980, God blessed the Lindsay Street congregation again in the person of Reverend Anthony A.W. Motley.  Under Pastor Motley’s spiritual leadership, Lindsay Street has been the spiritual foundation for many Christian leaders and preachers. The membership continues to grow as we travel the paths that God has laid for this congregation. Pastor Motley sees the vision of God and continues to build up the congregation through his powerful preaching and teaching ministries.


God is directing Lindsay Street to serve as a beacon of light to the English Avenue Community and to reach outside the walls of the church to meet the needs of the people of God. Lindsay Street seeks to fulfill the will of God through the birth of the English Avenue Community Development Corporation, the Tuesday Night Men’s Ministry, the Evangelistic Outreach Team, the New Members Committee, the Early Sunday Morning Worship and many other ministries.


As the various communities and church ministries were blessed with continuous growth, more space was needed. Lead by God, Reverend Motley and the members began to prayerfully consider whether to move to another location or remain in the present location. Through prayer and faith in God, a revelation came to Pastor and the congregation to continue to worship and to serve in the English Avenue Community.


Pastor Motley and the church officers set the wheels in motion to build a new edifice in the community. Now we are enjoying the fruits of our labor. September 9, 2001 marked the day we entered and dedicated our new Horizon facility at 550 Lindsay Street.


May we continue to have faith in God, praise His holy name, and be living witnesses for our God in the world.

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